Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Dear Parents,

The CTE PTO is in need of your help. As you know, we host a Holiday Shop every December as a way for children to purchase low cost items for friends and family during the holidays.  Every year we have a great turn out, but it doesn't happen by itself. We need volunteers to help the children shop, to help check out, and to help wrap gifts. 

To date, we do not have enough volunteers to run the event.  If you can volunteer some of your time this Saturday, you would help make this event a success. As it stands now, if we do not receive more volunteers we will have to cancel the event.  

If you can help, please email us at ctepto@hotmail.com. The event is this Saturday, 12/10 from 9 AM - 12 Noon. We need volunteers for our two shifts on Saturday 8:30-10:30 or 10:30-12:30. We could also use a few volunteers Friday after school to help get things set up.  If you can help, please, email the PTO right away. We will make a final decision on Friday morning as to whether or not the holiday shop will be canceled or will be able to continue as originally planned. 

Thanks in advance for your willingness to help.